Stump Removal

Stump Removal for North Mississippi & Shelby County, Tennessee

After tree removal service, you have two options - stump flushing or stump removal. The action taken greatly depends on the size of the tree and its location. Addison Tree Care LLC serving North Mississippi & Shelby County, Tennessee, can flush the stump as low to the ground as possible. If replanting a new tree is in your landscape plan or if you simply wish to have no remnants of your tree remaining, tree stump removal is an option. Our arborist is equipped to handle any size tree stump removal in almost any location in your landscape.

Stump Shredding — Hernando, MS — Addison Tree Care LLC
Black Stump Grinder — Hernando, MS — Addison Tree Care LLC
Stump Grinder — Hernando, MS — Addison Tree Care LLC

Benefit From Stump Removal

Damaged, unhealthy, or dead trees can create a lot of problems in your yard. Broken tree limbs and trunks can pose tripping hazards for you or anyone else on your property. Dead and unhealthy trees are the perfect home for insects.

You could cut down the tree to enhance your yard, but the residual stump still creates a risk for injury. Instead of just chopping down part of a dead or unhealthy tree, invest in tree and stump removal for your property.

When we remove any trees or stumps from your yard and grind them, you'll reap many benefits:

  • Healthier landscape. We remove unhealthy stumps and trees to prevent diseases from spreading to other trees and plants.
  • Less damage. Our stump removal machine reaches 18 inches below the ground's grade. We accurately remove trees and stumps to minimize damage to your property. Removing and grinding the stump prevents unruly roots from breaking up sidewalks, driveways, and other parts of your property.
  • Free mulch. After we remove trees and stumps from your yard, we can grind them into mulch. You can use that mulch in your garden or anywhere else on your property. Just let us know if you want to keep these wood chips or if you'd like us to dispose of them.

To request an appointment for our stump removal services,

call us today at (901) 497-3810 in North Mississippi & Shelby County, Tennessee.

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